Santa Paws is Coming to Town Competition

Santa-Paws is Coming to Town! Has the holiday season got you in the Christmas spirit? Do you have an adorable, beloved family pet? If so, then the Louisiana Holiday Trail of Lights crew has just the thing for you! We all love our family pets, and they definitely love us back. Sometimes, they’re just so amazing that you want to show them off to everyone. To get an idea of how pets are a huge part of the family and even the holiday season, we asked Brittinie Deville, a member of Alley Cat Allies, what her pet means to her. “My cat means the world to me and makes the holidays that much more enjoyable,” she said. “She loves to watch the twinkling lights and the dangling ornaments, but her favorite part is her infamous race to the top of our Christmas tree. She is the true definition of a curious cat and her curiosity through this holiday season has kept us in stitches. The holidays can be very stressful but having her to come home to every day is the best stress relief I could ask for. If she is not making me laugh she is showing me love and what more could one need?” Many more families feel the same as Brittinie. So this holiday season, we decided to give you the perfect opportunity to show off your furry friend HTOL style. Give your family pet a makeover by dressing them up in their best Christmas costume and snap a picture. Enter it into our Santa-Paws competition for a chance to win 1 of the 5 prizes we have lined up for the top 5 submissions. Voting will be done by others by clicking “like” on the photo they think should win. Show your appreciation for your furry family member and help spread the Christmas cheer! Check below for more information:Prizes include: a $50 gift card to the Louisiana Boardwalk, a pair of festive blinking holiday glasses, a “Cookin’ on the Cane with Norma” cookbook, a MexiCajun Seasoning Gift Basket, and a souvenir from the Coca-Cola museum in Monroe. Any and all types of pets can be eligible to enter. StepsParticipant will send in submission as directed below in the To Enter SectionLouisiana Holiday Trail of Lights will review the submission and notify you if it is approved or notIf approved, HTOL will post the submission with the included information in an album along with the other submissionsViewers will then “like” the photo they believe should win-each “like” counts as 1 vote-the top 5 photos with the most likes will each receive 1 of the 5 prizesWinners will be notified within 7 days of the final day for votingWinners must accept their prize within 5 days of the winner announcements DatesHTOL will begin accepting entries on Monday, Dec. 5, 2016 through Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016.Voting will begin Monday, Dec. 12 and will continue until the following Friday, Dec. 16. EligibilityMust be 18 years of age or olderMust be a legal resident of the United StatesMust be the author/copyright holder of photo submissions RulesSubmissions must be kid and family friendlySubmissions may not contain:-profanity-full or partial nudity-inappropriate innuendo-offensive slursSubmissions may not, in any way, promote another business or companyAny feedback on submissions must be kind and ethicalFailure to comply by these rules may result in immediate elimination To Enter-“like” the pinned Facebook post at the top of the page-send a private message to the Holiday Trail of Lights Facebook page containing all of the required entry criteriaHTOL has the right to delete any entries publically posted without HTOL consent as well as the right to refuse a submission if it is in violation of the eligibility/rules outlined above. Entries are limited to 1 per participantEntries submitted after Dec. 10, 2016 will immediately be declined Entry criteriaSubmission must include:-name of participant-photograph of pet-name of photographed pet DisclaimerBy clicking ‘like’, you, the participant, agree to the above information, rules and criteria, release the right to HTOL to publically post your submission and information to the page, and acknowledge that this promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or with, Facebook.