Check Out a Historic Home, Coke Museum, and Bible Museum in One Stop

People who enjoy history will be in for a treat when visiting Monroe-West Monroe. There, they will find the Biedenharn Museum & Gardens, which consists of three different exhibits: the Coke Museum, the Bible Museum and the historic Biedenharn home and garden.
In 1894, Joseph A. Biedenharn, owner of Biedenharn Candy Company, was the first to ever bottle Coca-Cola. The Coke Museum tells of the history of the bottling of Coca-Cola and houses a replica of a vintage soda fountain, as well as a collection of Coca-Cola memorabilia.
Joseph’s daughter, Emy-Lou Biedenharn, was quite successful herself. She performed as a singer in both the United States and Europe for almost ten-years. Upon returning to Monroe, Emy-Lou began her Bible collection. The collection consists of several historical documents, and has been brought together with other religious items to create the Bible Museum. Emy-Lou also took up an interest in gardening when she came back to Monroe. The Biedenharn Garden is one of the most beautiful in North Louisiana.
The Biedenharn Museum & Gardens is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday – Saturday. Admission is $6 for adults and $4 for students under 12 (taxes not included). The museum is located at 2000 Riverside Drive in Monroe. For more information, click HERE.